Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Teach Ethical Research

Technology Nudges School Books To The Back Shelf | | The Ledger | Lakeland, FL: "switching the focus from instructing students on how to find bits of knowledge to teaching them how to evaluate the vast information so readily available."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



The Water is still,

Watch the toad jump in with joy,

He is free to swim.

by Emmy

A leaf never falls
Without help from a small wind
It drifts down to earth

by Sarah B

by Sarah Graves

Friday, February 6, 2009

Chelsea' Drama

"Are you Emo or Goth?"
"What's up with your hair? Don't you wash it?"
That chick is a freak, dude"
These are the kind of comments Chelsea heard every day walking down the halls of Roosevelt High School. She made sure her face looked like she didn't care, and she didn't...not usually.
There were so many people in the halls between classes that it was like fighting a battle just to get to your next class. Sometimes fights broke out in the middle of it all, and some huge guy would be thrown into the crowd, knocking over unsuspecting students. The hall monitors were there to stop the fights. Everyone called them guards, and that's really what they were. They were huge burly men, strong enough to intimidate the scariest gang member. Yet, they really only made walking to class more difficult, because as they rushed to get to a fight, they pushed kids to the side like weeds, knocking them over roughly, just to get to a stupid fight that was usually over by the time they got there anyway. Last week, a guard had knocked Chelsae's face into a locker, and she still had a bluish-green bruise under her eye. She liked to poke at it when she was bored.
Chelsae swung her back pack onto her desk as she sat down and sunk her face into it. Maybe stupid Ponse would leave her alone if she disappeared.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fifi's Story

Fifi was on her way up in the world,or so her Nani liked to tell people. Nani lived back in Japan, and she bragged to all her old lady friends about her modern Granddaughter who started cutting hair as a toddler and now has a big-time salon in San Fransisco. Nani had never been to San Fransisco, but she knew it was important because Fifi called her from her fine apartment overlooking the bay. She would say,
"Nani, I have the most famous people coming into the shop now. You wouldn't believe it. People in furs with little dogs on diamond leashes. Everyone has a little dog here; they carry them in their purse. I cut their hair, do highlights, I do it all, and they tell their friends, and now I have so many customers at my salon, I had to hire another stylist."
Nani would sigh and picture her successful granddaughter ordering around an employee. It seems not long ago that she was a baby, whose parent left for America with very little money and no idea if they would get a job in that immense country. Now this success - it was all worth it.
"You have gotten a boyfriend now?" Nani thought it was time for Fifi to settle down.
"Who has time for that? No, Nani, don't bother me about that again! I want to make money, not babies! I'm going to open another salon, and another and even one in New York!