Friday, February 6, 2009

Chelsea' Drama

"Are you Emo or Goth?"
"What's up with your hair? Don't you wash it?"
That chick is a freak, dude"
These are the kind of comments Chelsea heard every day walking down the halls of Roosevelt High School. She made sure her face looked like she didn't care, and she didn't...not usually.
There were so many people in the halls between classes that it was like fighting a battle just to get to your next class. Sometimes fights broke out in the middle of it all, and some huge guy would be thrown into the crowd, knocking over unsuspecting students. The hall monitors were there to stop the fights. Everyone called them guards, and that's really what they were. They were huge burly men, strong enough to intimidate the scariest gang member. Yet, they really only made walking to class more difficult, because as they rushed to get to a fight, they pushed kids to the side like weeds, knocking them over roughly, just to get to a stupid fight that was usually over by the time they got there anyway. Last week, a guard had knocked Chelsae's face into a locker, and she still had a bluish-green bruise under her eye. She liked to poke at it when she was bored.
Chelsae swung her back pack onto her desk as she sat down and sunk her face into it. Maybe stupid Ponse would leave her alone if she disappeared.