Monday, July 28, 2008

Kingdomality - The Benevolent Ruler

Take the Kingdomality Test to find out what role you might play in a corproate environment - or in a classroom...
This last paragraph describes me to a T. Scary! Might be worthwhile for students to take, just to pinpoint how they will interact with the school group.
Kingdomality - The Benevolent Ruler

California CareerZone

This shows my "work values" or what I look for in a career. Another good survey for the kids. THis would promote good discussion in our career tech class.
California CareerZone

California CareerZone

Jobs Sected for me based on my results. Good Program to use in the Career Tech Project Period.
California CareerZone

California CareerZone

My Results:
California CareerZone

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Free platform to safely create interactive projects with students around the world. Sponsored by The Oracle Foundation. Check it out! ThinkQuest (See contest below) is now a part of



Why not a Global audience and a contest to motivate our students to produce project based websites? Wow! Minarets should participate in this!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dangerously Irrelevant: Contest - 140-character book reviews

Thank you jon corripo for this idea! It is a contest for the best 140 character book review done on Twitter. I think it would be a fun exercise to condence a review to basically 140 letters. It would encourage students to focus in on only the most important plot points in the book. Yet, some of the examples shown at the bottom of the page show that the limited text encourages most writers to abandon basic English grammar. This will not do:)

Dangerously Irrelevant: Contest - 140-character book reviews

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Challenge 2000 Project-Based Learning & Multimedia Web Site

Challenge 2000 Project-Based Learning & Multimedia Web Site

To the New Minarets Faculty:

Message: "'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change
the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.' -- Margaret Mead"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

PBL-Online Video Library

This is a page within the Buck Institute Site, which is dedicated to helping educators understand and implement project Based Learning Techniques. I like this particular page because it shows videos of teachers planning projects, and students collaborating on and then evaluating each PBL experience. This is the web page that really made me understand PBL because I could see it in action. Watching these short clips will at least make you want to video tape our planning sessions. Each blue link is a video - click the player you want.

PBL-Online Video Library

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Lexile Framework for Reading

This website can create a special reading list based on their lexile score and interests. As a teacher I can also put in the interests of history and fiction, indicate the lexile score of 9th grade - 850 to 1165 - and out pops a printable list of books for the student to choose from! It even has a function that allows students to seaarch their local library for those titles on their list.

The Lexile Framework for Reading: "Currently, every student in the state of California receives a California Reading List (CRL) Number with his or her STAR test results. The CRL Number is based on The Lexile Framework for Reading, and is a Lexile zone score. For example, a CRL of 7 indicates a Lexile zone of 700L to 799L"

Techlearning > > Differentiating Reading Levels > June 27, 2008: "Lexile, which measures comprehension, or semantic difficulty, and sentence length, or syntactic complexity, of books, newspapers, is used by over 450 publishers. The Lexile scale measures from 80L for beginning readers to 1700L for advanced readers.

Video Chats with People in other countries

No Strings Attached

Video of "Veterans of Past American Wars Project"

This is perfect for us! We could teach this history/English project lesson just as it is, or add elements of math and science somehow.

No Strings Attached

Video on Students Designing their Own Store!!

This lesson idea could be revamped to provide a visual representation of any business plan

No Strings Attached

Video on Making Poetry Movies

No Strings Attached

Inspiration Video ~ Concept Mapping

No Strings Attached

Teaching Garageband Video

No Strings Attached

Lit to Go: MP3 Stories and Poems

Student can listen and read downloaded stories at the same time! Cool.

Lit to Go: MP3 Stories and Poems

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Looking forward to collaborating!

I am so looking forward to getting started! All I google these days is educational tech stuff and Project Based Learning! I have so many thoughts for possible interdisciplinary class projects. Yet, before the Minarets faculty meet for the first time, I am hesitant to structure any curriculum, because I want to be totally open to all new ideas coming from other members of the team. I'm hoping we will really work together in both designing curriculum and facilitating the class. I would love it if every single project incorporated all content areas, including history, even though we don't have a history teacher this year. I love history, (My father is a retired history professor), so this really lets me think of my end of it as humanities more than English, which opens up more possibilities. I think research will be a major focus, and I'm thinking of ways to motivate students to come up with ideas they want to research. One idea I had was to have each student pick a recommended historical novel to read independently, then find one historical element to research for a mixed media presentation on both the novel, and this area of historical research.They should include some type of geography research requirement as well, about the setting of the novel. Of course Math and Science should be in here you can see I need to start collaborating with you as soon as possible:)
Check out the interesting article below:
Techlearning > > Teaching Students How to do Online Research > July 1, 2003