Saturday, July 5, 2008

Looking forward to collaborating!

I am so looking forward to getting started! All I google these days is educational tech stuff and Project Based Learning! I have so many thoughts for possible interdisciplinary class projects. Yet, before the Minarets faculty meet for the first time, I am hesitant to structure any curriculum, because I want to be totally open to all new ideas coming from other members of the team. I'm hoping we will really work together in both designing curriculum and facilitating the class. I would love it if every single project incorporated all content areas, including history, even though we don't have a history teacher this year. I love history, (My father is a retired history professor), so this really lets me think of my end of it as humanities more than English, which opens up more possibilities. I think research will be a major focus, and I'm thinking of ways to motivate students to come up with ideas they want to research. One idea I had was to have each student pick a recommended historical novel to read independently, then find one historical element to research for a mixed media presentation on both the novel, and this area of historical research.They should include some type of geography research requirement as well, about the setting of the novel. Of course Math and Science should be in here you can see I need to start collaborating with you as soon as possible:)
Check out the interesting article below:
Techlearning > > Teaching Students How to do Online Research > July 1, 2003

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